Monday, September 15, 2014

What is next?

So the Commisioner raised the property taxes. This was going to happen no matter the outcry of the community. I attended the meeting on Thursday, September 11 at 10:00 am. There was about 50 people in the room and if I remember correctly, five people presented the Commissinner with questions. Overall, the questions asked referred primarily to the fact the Commisioner can't manage money.  I'm curious, if the Commissioner had managed the money well over the last 5-10 years, would the citizens have such a distaste for the increase?  If we could see our money at work, would we have a different outlook on the tax increase?  So what is next?

If you attended the meetings on the tax increase you witnessed the Commissioner does not handle pressure well. When confronted with the questions that point out her financial irresponsibility, she gazed at her electorates in a way that appeared pompous. In her mind, as expressed in her own words, the Mountain Cove Farms has already been purchased. What can she do?  I say the question be turned on her!  It's what can we do?  What can the citizens of Walker County do?

The Commissioner needs to feel the pressure. Our society today has turned towards social media as an outlet to express our frustrations. I believe this has taken away from putting actual pressure in the people that can change the situations. BeBe wants to be the sole commissioner; the one person that makes decisions for this county. The pressure needs to be turned to her office. Actual phone calls to her office need to be made. Visits from the people she represents needs to happen. She should be so bombarded with our concerns she can't do anything else but listen.

What do you want as a citizen of this county?  Do you want the Mountain Cove Farm sold?  Do you want your road fixed?  Do you want better county services?  Do you want a board of commisioners?  That is the one question she should be asking; what do the people of Walker County want!  Since the purchase of the farm, apparently based on what the citizens of the cove wanted, every resource of the county has been directed to it's improvement. The road deptartment, maintenance, finances, and even the fire department. If the finances have been tight, enough to force the raising of taxes, why has so much been dumped into the farm and the remainder of the county neglected?  Is this what you as a citizen want?

What happens next?  As a county we have just a little under 2 years to decide what happens next. Our current Commissioner should understand we have no desire for her to run again.   The stage should be set for the next Commissioner to focus on working with the state to form a board of commissioners, establishing a balanced budget and working withing the country's means, and transparency of government. The people of walker should know what is happening and have the opportunity to see. What happens next?  It's up to you!